

Transforming Health Through Education, Support, and Community Engagement.


Promoting Health through Education, Support, and Healthy Food Access

Sugar Snap Peas (Guisantes)

Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar Snap Peas (Guisantes)


Details (Detalles)

  • Pod, Calyx
    Vaina, Cáliz
  • Tastes crunchy and sweet
    Sabe crujiente y dulce
  • Fun Fact: Snap peas are a cross between a snow pea and garden pea - so can usually be substituted for these!
    Dato curioso: Las guisantes son un cruce entre un guisante de nieve y un guisante de jardín, ¡así que generalmente se pueden sustituir por estos!
  • Can be used in stir fries, sauteed, roasted, or simply eaten raw
    Se puede usar en salteados, salteados, asados o simplemente se pueden comer crudos

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Green Beans (Judias Verdes)

Green Beans

Green Beans (Judias Verdes)


Details (Detalles)

  • Seeds are inside, Pod, String
    Las semillas están adentro, Vaina, Picadura
  • Tastes crunchy and grass-like
    Sabe crujiente y parecida a la hierba
  • Can be used in recipes like stir fries, casseroles, soups, and stews
    Se puede usar en recetas como salteados, guisos, sopas y guisos

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Romanesco (Romanesco)


Romanesco (Romanesco)


Details (Detalles)

  • Flower, Stem
    Flor, Vástago
  • Tastes similar to cauliflower, but milder, sweeter, and nuttier
    Sabe similar a la coliflor, pero más suave, más dulce y más nuez
  • Cooks similar to broccoli and cauliflower, and is typically interchangeable
    Se cocina de forma similar al brócoli y la coliflor, y normalmente es intercambiable
  • Can be eaten raw, lightly cooked, or cooked through
    Se puede comer crudo, ligeramente cocido o bien cocido

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Artichoke (Alcachofa)


Artichoke (Alcachofa)

Artichoke (Alcachofa)

Details (Detalles)

  • Outer Petals, Inner Petals, Stem, Heart, Choke
    Pétalos exteriores, Pétalos internos, Vástago, Corazón, Ahogo
  • Tastes mild and nutty, similar to asparagus
    Sabe suave y a nuez, similar a los espárragos
  • The hearts and pulpy insides of petals are edible
    Los corazones y el interior pulposo de los pétalos son comestibles
  • Can be eaten grilled, roasted, steamed, blanched, boiled, or raw
    Se puede comer a la parrilla, asado, al vapor, escaldado, hervido o crudo

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Kale (Col Rizada)


Kale (Col Rizada)

Kale (Col Rizada)

Details (Detalles)

  • Leaf, Stem
    Hoja, Vastago
  • Tastes strong and earthy
    Sabe fuerte y terroso
  • Both leaves and stem are edible
    Tanto las hojas como el tallo son comestibles
  • Typically interchangeable with other greens such as spinach, collard greens, and chard
    Normalmente intercambiable con otras verduras como la espinaca, la col rizada y la acelga
  • Use in recipes like kale chips, in smoothies, soups
    Úselo en recetas como chips de col rizada, en batidos, sopas

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Leeks (Puerros)


Leeks (Puerros)


Details (Detalles)

  • Leaf, Shaft, Root
    Hoja, Eje, Rafz
  • Tastes like: A green onion, but a bit sweeter
    Sabe a cebolla verde, pero un poco más dulce
  • Both leaves and shaft are edible - discard the root
    Tanto las hojas como el tallo son comestibles; deseche la raíz
  • Use leaves in stocks, soups, or braised
    Use hojas en caldos, sopas o estofado
  • Use shaft in pastas, salads, or soups
    Use el eje en pastas, ensaladas o sopas

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Green Bell Pepper (Pimiento Verde)

Green Bell Pepper

Green Bell Pepper (Pimiento Verde)


Details (Detalles)

  • Tastes Like: The least ripe and most bitter of all bell peppers
    (Sabe a: El pimiento menos maduro y más amargo de todos)
  • Fun Fact: A green bell pepper is just an unripe red, yellow, or orange bell pepper!
    (Dato curioso: ¡Un pimiento verde es solo un pimiento rojo, amarillo o naranja inmaduro!)
  • Used in Recipes Like: Stuffed bell peppers, stir fry, fajitas
    (Usado en recetas como: pimientos rellenos, salteados, fajitas)

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)





Details (Detalles)

  • Peel skin before cooking or eating
    Pelar la piel antes de cocinar o comer
  • Tastes Like: A cross between a potato and apple
    Sabe a: Un cruce entre una papa y una manzana
  • Cooks similar to: Potato, but can be eaten raw like an apple
    Cocina similar a: papa, pero se puede comer cruda como una manzana
  • Use in recipes like: Salsa, stir fry, fruit salad
    Uselo en recetas como: salsa, salteado, ensalada de frutas

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Radish (Rábano)


Radish (Rábano)


Details (Detalles)

  • Root Tastes Like: spicy, crisp, zesty
    Sabor a rafz: picante, crujiente, picante
  • Leaf Tastes: peppery, spicy
    Sabor a hojas: picante, picante
  • Use root in salads, roasted, raw
    Use la rafz en ensaladas, asada, cruda
  • Use leaf like spinach: in sautees or pesto
    Use hojas como espinacas: en salteados o pesto

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Turnip (Nabo)


Turnip (Nabo)

Turnip (Nabo)

Details (Detalles)

  • Tastes Like: cabbage, radish, sweet, bitter
    Sabe a: repollo, rábano, dulce, amargo
  • Use like a potato, mashed, baked, or boiled in a stew
    Úselo como una papa, machacado, horneado o hervido en un guiso
  • Goes well with potatoes, carrots, onion, garlic, olive oil, lemon
    Va bien con patatas, zanahorias, cebolla, ajo, aceite de oliva, limón

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Kumquat (Naranja China)


Kumquat (Naranja China)

Kumquat (Naranja China)

Details (Detalles)

  • The entire fruit is edible (peel included!)
    (Toda la fruta es comestible (¡con cáscara incluida!))
  • Fruit Tastes Like: citrus, sour, bitter, tangy
    (Sabores de frutas como: cítrico, ácido, amargo, picante)
  • Peel Tastes: sweet
    (Sabores de piel: dulce)
  • Use spears in stir-frys and vegetable roasts
    Use lanzas en asados de verduras y salteados
  • Use in soups, marmalade, or eat raw
    (Usar en sopas, mermeladas o comer crudo)

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

  • Quick Tip - Kumquat Rosemary Marmalade
    Consejo rápido: mermelada de romero Naranja China
    Watch here
  • What is a Kumquat
    Qué es una naranja China
    Watch here

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Asparagus (Espárragos)


Asparagus (Espárragos)


Details (Detalles)

  • Ends, Tips, Spears
    Puntas, Lanzar
  • Tastes Like: broccoli, green beans, mild, and earthy
    Sabe a: brócoli, judías verdes, suave y terroso
  • Use spears in stir-frys and vegetable roasts
    Use lanzas en sofritos y asados de verduras
  • Use ends and tips in soups
    Use puntas y extremos en sopas

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Chard (Acelga)


Chard (Acelga)

Chard (Acelga)

Details (Detalles)

  • Leaf, Stem
    Hoja, Tallo
  • Tastes Like: Spinach
    Sabe a espinaca
  • Leaves Taste:
    Hojas Sabor: amargo, terroso, dulce
  • Use leaves in raw salads or saute in oil
    Use hojas en ensaladas crudas o saltee en aceite
  • Use stems in stir-fry or saute
    Use tallos para sofreír o saltear

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Beets (Remolacha)


Beets (Remolacha)


Details (Detalles)

  • The greens and stems are edible!
    Las verduras y los tallos son comestibles!
  • Root Tastes Like: Earthy and a little bitter
    La raíz sabe como: terrosa y un poco amarga
  • Green/Stems Taste Like: Swiss Chard
    Verde/Tallos Sabor: Acelga
  • Use Roots in salads, pickled, and roasted
    Use raíces en ensaladas, en escabeche y asadas
  • Use Greens/Stems in soups, sautés, and even raw
    Use verde/tallos en sopas, salteados e incluso crudos

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Spring Carrots (Zanahorias de  Primavera)

Spring Carrots

Spring Carrots (Zanahorias de Primavera)


Details (Detalles)

  • The leaves & stems are edible!
    Las hojas y los tallos son comestibles!
  • Root Tastes Like: Sweet and Earthy
    La rafz sabe como: duIce y terrosa
  • Greens Taste Like: Bitter and herby
    Los verdes saben a: amargo y herbaceo
  • Use Roots in salads, roasted, or raw
    Use Rafces en ensaladas, asadas o crudas
  • Use Greens in pesto, sautees, soups
    Use verdes en pesto, salteados, sopas

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)

Fennel (Hinojo)


Fennel (Hinojo)


Details (Detalles)

  • Fennel fond, This part is edible!
    Aficionado al hinojo, Esta parte es comestible
  • Tastes similar to black licorice
    Sabor similar al regaliz negro
  • Cook similar to celery
    Cocine similar al apio
  • Use in recipes like: soups, raw salad
    Se usa en recetas como sopas o ensalada cruda

Cooking Tips (Consejos para Cocinar)

Recipe Ideas (Ideas para Recetas)


Wellness Program

FEAST’s 16-week Wellness program FEAST’s 16-week Wellness program serves adults experiencing food insecurity and heightened risk of food related illnesses.

The program provides practical knowledge, like how to read a nutrition label and cook healthy, satisfying meals on a budget along with a safe, supportive environment to work on our relationships with, and belief systems about, food and health.


Family Feeding

FEAST’s 8-week Family Feeding program serves parents with children ages 0-5.

The program is designed to reduce the negative impacts of stress, depression, and anxiety by providing social support for parents, and to prevent childhood obesity through healthy food access and nutrition education.


Perinatal Support

FEAST is developing a Perinatal Support Program designed to support birthing people throughout their perinatal and postpartum journey. The goal of this program will be to promote maternal well-being, healthy family habits and a nurturing home environment, as well as fostering supportive family and community social networks. These factors are identified as critical pathways that significantly impact child outcomes during the crucial developmental stages of pregnancy, postpartum, infancy, and early childhood.

Feast Fruits

All core FEAST programs provide participants with:

Food Education through nutrition information, recipes, and cooking demonstrations.

Access to fresh, whole foods, through vouchers to local markets and distribution of fresh produce.

Support Together through peer-to-peer sharing circles designed to build deep bonds of friendship and uncover the underlying and often emotional elements of our eating habits.


Food Access & Distribution

FEAST addresses food insecurity by rescuing fresh produce from a variety of sources including retail grocery stores and food warehouses through partnerships with Seeds of Hope and Food Forward to prevent food waste, and distribute otherwise surplus food to people in the community experiencing poverty, food insecurity and diet-related illnesses. In addition, or in lieu of fresh produce, FEAST participants may also receive gift cards (food scholarships) to local retail grocers in order to address economic barriers with tangible support for families to nourish themselves and choose foods they want to incorporate into their healthier diet.

Feast Community


Join us to help provide healthy food to those in need

Community Workshops

Community Workshops

FEAST provides various workshops throughout the year open to program graduates and community members to support ongoing learning and skills development in their journey towards health. Activities may include Zumba classes, nutrition education, cooking demonstrations, meditation and/or mindfulness, urban agriculture and agroecology, economic and/or legal resources and other topics promoting the usage of social service resources available in the community.

Fruits Image


Be part of our community and make a difference together

Health Educator Training

FEAST’s leadership training and curriculum licensing model allow individuals and organizations to bring FEAST programming in their communities, to improve the health and well-being of its members. Through a 3-day training, individuals become certified as FEAST Health Educators, and are equipped to facilitate our Wellness Program. Through a curriculum licensing model, Health Educators and organizations gain access to our full 16-week curriculum and teaching materials, and all of the support they need to successfully run their own FEAST groups.



Be part of our community and make a difference together

Community Nutrition Education

FEAST’s Wellness Program offers practical knowledge, like how to read a nutrition label and cook healthy, satisfying meals on a budget. Our Health Educators provide a safe, supportive environment to work on our relationships with, and belief systems about, food and health. FEAST serves communities of color and those living in poverty who have a disproportionately high risk of dietary diseases. There is no cost for individuals to participate, and all participants receive food scholarships to experiment with new recipes at home throughout the program.

Feast Feeding people

Bring FEAST to your Community

At FEAST, we believe everyone deserves access to affordable food, an understanding of how to navigate our food system, and a community of support. FEAST brings small groups together in an emotionally supportive social circle. Over 16-weeks, participants make measurable and sustainable changes to diet and lifestyle that increase wellness and decrease risks for dietary diseases.


We live in a world where many people lack access to basic, healthy fresh affordable foods, and where many more feel isolated from one another. Inequitable food environments, unhealthy diets, and social isolation are key contributors to the dramatic rise of obesity and dietary diseases affecting our country today.

6 of 10 adults have chronic disease
4 of 10 adults have 2 or more
17 million Americans have Depression
34 million Americans have Diabetes
108 million Americans have High Blood Pressure
93 million Americans have High Closterol
People of color are twice as likely as non-hispanic whites to have major chronic disease.
Adults living in poverty are five times as likely to report fair or poor health as adults with incomes at least four times the Federal Poverty Line.


Our 16-week Wellness Program brings 15 participants together for two hours each week, providing support on three levels:

Nutrition discussions, recipes, and cooking demonstrations.
Free and immediate access to fresh, whole foods in every class.
A safe space to explore emotional aspects of eating and receive support.


Alma, FEAST graduate

“I feel supported knowing there are other people in our community that support and encourage us to make healthy changes to our eating habits”

- Alma, FEAST graduate

“I am so grateful to FEAST for providing support through the group check-ins, access to fruit and vegetables, and for helping me create a set of healthy goals. Through this program, I changed my life for the better, forever.”

- Judith, FEAST graduate and group leader


Through Food, Education, Access and Support, Together we can create a more Nourishing Life


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