Do you ever feel overwhelmed or confused while grocery shopping? If so, you’re not alone. Grocery shopping can be difficult especially when it comes to picking the healthiest items. Below are a few tips to try next time you hit your local grocery store.
Tips for healthy grocery shopping:
- Read the ingredient labels on the back of packages (try to find products with 5 ingredients and less)
- Create an organized grocery list to minimize time spent in the store
- Try not to shop when you’re hungry to avoid purchasing unnecessary items
- Buy seasonal produce to cut back on costs
- Incorporate plant-based protein items (legumes, soy products, nuts)
- Watch for unnecessary added sugar in dairy products (flavored yogurts & milk can have tons of added sugar)
- Consume more whole grains! Look for products that have 3g+ of fiber per serving
- When buying frozen foods check fat and sodium content. Frozen fruits and vegetables are a great go-to!
- Enhance your water with fresh fruit and mint
- Avoid the snacks at checkout.
If you're interested in leading your own grocery store tour, feel free to use our presentation as a guide! Special thanks to our partnership with USC Good Neighbors for making this possible!