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Everyone deserves access to affordable, nutritious food and the knowledge to make informed and nourishing food choices.

Help us feed food-insecure households in South Los Angeles, one family at a time.

FEAST is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Contributions are tax deductible.

Support our Programs

16-Week Wellness Program supports positive health outcomes by providing participants and their families with food education, access and peer-to-peer support.

8-Week Family Feeding Program provides social support, healthy food access and nutrition education for parents with young children to reduce the negative impacts of stress, depression, and anxiety and prevent childhood obesity.

Food Access Program delivers fresh produce and provides direct financial assistance to clients for food, rent, or other household items.

Perinatal Support Program is designed to support people throughout their perinatal and postpartum journey with nutrition education program ming and home-delivered, ready-made, frozen meals.

Other Ways to Give

Gift Matching

Many companies offer a matching gift program for employee contributions made to FEAST!

Donor Advised Funds

With a donor-advised fund, you have the freedom to determine the amount and frequency of your charitable giving, empowering you to make a difference on your terms.


Maximize your impact by contributing stocks, bonds, or mutual funds directly— transforming your gift into lasting change.


Including FEAST in your will or trust can help people, in every neighborhood, to have access to the ingredients that create health and wellness.

Mail a Check: FEAST 3655 S Grand Ave Suite 210 Los Angeles, CA 90007

For more information or questions, please email Sydney Zetune, Co-Executive Director, sydney@feastforall.org

Through Food, Education, Access and Support,

Together We Can Create A More Nourishing Life.

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