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“FEAST is a wonderful program! I developed habits like reading labels. I'm back to eating more vegetables and watching my portions. The group leader was very knowledgeable”
- Gwendolyn, FEAST Graduate


Through Food, Education, Access and Support, Together we can create a more nourishing life. To increase health and wellness – including physical and emotional health – FEAST’s program provides support on three levels:


Nutrition discussions, recipes, and cooking demonstrations to make healthy eating affordable and delicious.


Free and immediate access to fresh, whole foods in every class.


A safe space to explore current eating habits and receive group support to create healthier new beginnings with food.


Please watch the video below for more information on what to expect.

To apply, fill out the application questions at the website link below. You will get contacted once a group in your community starts.

¿Está interesado en unirse a un programa FEAST de 16 semanas?

Vea el video para obtener más información sobre qué esperar.

Si está interesado en unirse, complete el enlace de solicitud a continuación.

“I've lost more weight. I know how to cook more healthy foods in a variety of ways, I've been able to open up and feel safe in a group setting, I made new friends, opening up emotionally with the group helped me to grow stronger, I felt cared for...I love the bond that was created. It really was a safe space. Probably one of the first times in my life I've experienced comfort and safety in a group. FEAST really helped me to feel better in social environments, and helped me raise my confidence. Thank you so very much! I would take the FEAST class again.”
-Ursula, FEAST 2020 Graduate

Through Food, Education, Access and Support,

Together We Can Create A More Nourishing Life.

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