6 Tips to Stay Healthy While At Work

Taking time for yourself while at work can be a challenge, but maintaining a work-life balance can really be the key to happiness. For most of us, a day at the office involves endless sitting, staring at a computer screen, and speed eating in between calls.  Staying active while at work is a challenge but finding the time to incorporate some sort of physical activity will not only help the day go by quicker but also has pretty great health benefits. A popular study that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that those who walk at least 30 minutes per day 5 or more times a week had a 30% lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Below are a few tips and tricks to try while at work:

  1. Take the stairs: Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a great way to sneak in cardio throughout your day!
  2. Take stretch breaks: Using office furniture such as your chair is a great way to stretch out your calves, hamstrings and lower back.
  3. Eat your lunch outside: Getting some fresh air throughout the day is a great way to stay alert
  4. Walk during your lunch break: After finishing your lunch spend the rest of your lunch break walking around the neighborhood.  The American Heart Association recommends 10,000 steps per day for a healthy heart
  5. Invest in an exercise ball: Sitting for long hours can really irritate your lower back. Try switching out your chair for an exercise ball- this is a great way to keep your core engaged while working
  6. Drink more water: Did you know our body is made up of 60% water? Stay hydrated at work to ensure circulation and blood flow

So get moving and remember if it doesn’t challenge you it won’t change you!

by Jordan Anthony

A very special thank you to the USC Good Neighbors Campaign for their support of FEAST and helping us make work like this possible!

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