Sweetfin Supports FEAST Wellness Program for LA Community
Since 2017, Sweetfin has partnered with FEAST to help ensure families living in underserved communities in Los Angeles and New York City have access to the ingredients that create health and wellness. FEAST’s 16-week Wellness Program provides practical skill-building like nutrition education and healthy cooking in a support group format. FEAST’s unique combination of education, increased access to healthy foods, and social support provides individuals and families with the resources necessary to live sustainably healthier lives.
Sweetfin hosts restaurant donation days multiple times each year, contributing a portion of their sales to support FEAST programs and local communities. Through this partnership, Sweetfin has sponsored an entire FEAST group for a full 16-weeks, providing over 900 meals through FEAST’s scholarships for groceries, and empowering 60 individuals to take the next steps on the path towards a healthier future.
One recent FEAST participant, Mignon M. had this to say about being involved in the program:
I am in awe of the FEAST program that supports its participants with knowledge about how to perfectly balance our lives with good nutrition, and how to apply what we have learned through recipe demonstrations, label reading, and gifts of nutritious foods and produce. Thank you for this experience!
Sweetfin’s Co-Founder, Seth Cohen is a committed member of FEAST’s Board of Directors, and Sweetfin’s Executive Chef, Dakota Weiss has donated her time and expertise to support FEAST as a Collaborating Chef at FEAST events.
FEAST and Sweetfin look forward to future collaborations and partnership events to continue supporting FEAST families!

Sweetfin Chef Dakota Weiss (center) with FEAST’s collaborating chefs at FEAST’s 2019 Fall fundraiser!