Life is Beautiful


Karsh, Fall 2020

I want to thank the opportunity that FEAST gave me, for being part of their team, this trust support has been of great value to me and my health, I will always be grateful for having wonderful people, like all of you, I learned more than I expected.

Thank you for teaching me that life is beautiful, that it is worth living and that you have to give yourself the courage you deserve. Thank you for everything you received from FEAST as well as financially and for giving me food every week. God bless each one of you, who make all of this possible, keep going, so that you can support more families. It is never too late to learn something new.


Quiero agradacer la oportunidad que me brindo FEAST, por hacerme parte de su equipo, este apoyo  confianza ha sido de gran valor para mi y mi salud, siempre estare en gratitud por contar con personas maravillosas, como todas ustedes, aprendi mas de lo que esperaba.

Gracias por ensenarme que la vida es bella, que vale la pena vivirla y que hay que darse el valor que uno merece. Gracias por todo lo que recibi de parte de FEAST asi como: economicamente y por darme comida cada semana, dios bendiga a cada uno 

de ustedes, que hacen posible todo esto, sigan adelante, para que signan apoyando a mas familias. Nunca es tarde para aprender algo nuevo.


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