Health equity and food justice go hand in hand with racial equity and racial justice. FEAST stands unequivocally alongside all who are calling for an end to the systemic denial of the rights and resources that enable individuals and communities of color to thrive and prosper. We are outraged and deeply saddened by the recent senseless killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Rayshard Brooks, Elijah McClain, and too many countless others, and we mourn with their families and the greater community.
FEAST programs were designed as a community resource to increase health and wellbeing, reduce health disparities, and create a safe space in which deep listening can occur. Deep listening goes beyond simply hearing the words an individual is sharing--it is a commitment to greet each other with mutual respect, be present, absorb with humility, and strive to understand the meaning, feeling, and message each individual is seeking to convey.
We have seen over and over again that this practice is a foundation upon which real healing and transformation can take place. When people know that their voices matter and that their stories, life experiences, and inner wisdom are valued, they are encouraged to use their voices to create change.
As we recommit to listening deeply and participating in honest, reflective dialogue, we stand even more firmly in our mission to promote health and wellness for all, through access to healthy food and the power of human connection. We wish to remain an active community resource, and we would like to hear from you, our FEAST community, to learn if there are resources or forms of support that are lacking, and that we may be able to provide. Additionally, we invite all community leaders to please share with us any resources you may have that can be of support to our shared communities at this time.
In solidarity,

Christina M Ford, MD, Board Chair

Dana Rizer, Executive Director
The following resources may prove helpful...
Mental Health and Wellness
National Alliance for Mental Illness
Black Emotional and Mental Health (BEAM)
Action Steps:
Further Reading:
Obama: How To Make This Moment the Turning Point for Real Change
Epicurious Book List: Antiracism and Food
So You Want to Talk About Race
Smithsonian: Talking About Race
Food and Race
Dine.Black: National Black Owned Restaurants
CivilEats List of Food and Land Justice Organizations