
The Great News From My Doctor

by: Rhonda Adway


Dear Ana and Andrea,

I want to thank you for your commitment to this class and the valuable information shared. FEAST has definitely changed my life by exposing me to different foods (like hummus and lentils) that I thought I hated before FEAST but now I realize I like. As a result of this class, I find myself reading labels more, watching my portion sizes, but mainly making a conscious effort to eat healthy.

This week I received some great news from my doctor and it was because I used the knowledge from my FEAST classes to make healthier choices. You see I am a diabetic and have been for over ten years. I guess I’ve been in denial about it because I hadn’t made any changes until now. My A1C has been around twelve to nine for the last five years and my doctor has been saying, “you need to bring it down to at least a seven but it would be even better if it was a six.” I am delighted to say that my A1C dropped down to an eight which is the best it has been in five years!

All I can say is thank you FEAST for the information and inspiration to make a positive change in my life.

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